

For those who desire specific body slimming coaching, combined with advanced hypnosis, to lose a minimum of 1% body fat per week. A body transformation without the yo-yo effect and without endless workout sessions. 80% is based on intuitive eating, and 20% on a maximum 15-minute home-based physical activity for spectacular weight loss, for example, from 30 to 40 kilos in 3 months, or without physical activity in 5 months. Any exercise is suitable, including dancing. No need for a gym. This training is particularly effective if you are overweight. What I offer is hypnosis; everything you do is anchored by new neural circuits, new habits that will radically replace your current program that prevents you from reaching your ideal weight. This program is for you if you simply want to transform your life.


The program spans an average duration defined together, depending on your initial weight, body fat, and lean mass: 10 kilos in 1 and a half months, 50 kilos in 6 months… This duration should be determined based on your commitment.

Now, it’s up to you to decide. It’s not just about weight loss or physical transformation but about profound and positive changes that go beyond your eating habits and directly affect your family, friends, and colleagues. Rates depend on the treatment duration.

  1. UP TO -30 KILOS

TransForm Ultimate program up to 30 kilos to lose in 5/6 months. For a transformation that takes into account the physical, aesthetic aspect, and muscle definition. 3.1 Transform light from -20 to -30 kilos to lose in 6 months and 4 appointments 3,200.00 CHF Direct Scheduling Link

Body Transformation Program

Objective: A complete transformation that takes into account not only the physical aspect but also the aesthetic and dry texture of body fat.


  • Personalized Guide: You will receive a tailor-made guide of approximately 2,700 words to accompany you.
  • Weight Loss: Our program ensures rapid and sustainable weight loss.
  • Consultations: Benefit from 4 treatment sessions, each lasting 45 minutes.
  • Body Analysis: We use Class III medical equipment to perform a comprehensive measurement, analysis, and interpretation of your body assessment.


  • Diet: No restrictive diets. You will alternate the foods you love in short periods.
  • Hypnosis: We employ hypnosis methods similar to those seen on the “Transformation Makeover” show. Results can be visible as early as the 7th day. Additional hypnosis sessions are offered to enhance the program’s effectiveness.
  • Fat Management: We target the elimination of fat, whether it has accumulated recently or over the years, without weight regain. The program focuses on reducing dry body fat, avoiding any skin sagging.
  • Nutrition Orientation: You will be guided towards foods that will be metabolized into energy. No calorie-restricted diets. You can eat without restrictions, without meal replacements.
  • Physical Activity: Although optional, physical activity can help adjust the ratio between fat and muscle mass.
  • Expected Results: You can expect to lose a minimum of 1% body fat per week, without muscle loss.

Commitment: Our approach is holistic. We consider the physical, emotional, environmental, and metabolic aspects to provide you with comprehensive care.


2. FROM -30 a -40 kilos

TransForm Ultimate Coaching

  • From 30 to 40 kilos to lose in a maximum of 8 months with 6 appointments 3.2 Transform medium -30 to -40 kilos to lose 8 months 6 appointments 4,200.00 CHF Direct Scheduling Link

For a transformation and/or treatment that takes into account the physical, aesthetic, and lean aspect of body fat:

  • Includes your personalized guide of approximately 2,700 words.
  • We take care of restructuring your body.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • 8 consultations/treatments, each lasting 45 minutes.
  • Measurement and interpretation of impedance included.
  • No diet, but an alternation of foods you love over a short period.
  • We use the same method as presented in the TV show “Weight Loss – Transformation Makeover.” While our hypnosis method can help you lose weight, science allows us to go even further and precisely increase the success rate of your session.
  • Additional goal-oriented hypnosis sessions.
  • Behavioral changes are immediate, and the first results in terms of weight loss can be significant as early as the 7th day.

3. de -40 a -100 KILOS

TransForm Ultimate Coaching

  • From 40 to -100 kilos to lose in a maximum of 12 months with 8 appointments 3.3 Transform Intense from -40 to -100 kilos to lose over 12 months and 8 appointments 5,200 CHF 8 sessions (1 hour @ 5,200.00 CHF)

For a transformation and/or treatment that takes into consideration the physical, aesthetic, and lean aspect of body fat:

  • Includes your personalized guide of approximately 2,700 words.
  • We take care of restructuring your body.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • 12 consultations/treatments of 45 minutes each.
  • Includes measurement and interpretation of impedance.
  • No diet, but an alternation of foods you love over a short period.
  • We use the same approach as presented in the TV show “Weight Loss – Transformation Makeover.” Even though our hypnosis method can help you lose weight, science allows us to go even further and precisely increase the success rate of your session.
  • Additional goal-oriented hypnosis sessions.
  • Behavioral changes are immediate, and the first results in terms of weight loss can be significant as early as the 7th day.



Chris, Heidi Powell, and I, Farida Sebbag, are experts in carbohydrate cycling. Thanks to our combined methods, I have adapted this technique to perfectly meet the needs of each individual. I know that depriving oneself or drastically reducing calories has never been a viable solution for sustainable weight loss, let alone for boosting metabolism. I have observed that the higher the metabolism, the easier it is to achieve an ideal weight. I am also aware that low muscle mass equals a slowed basal metabolism. Many traditional diets decrease this metabolism and cause muscle loss, creating a vicious circle.

With my advanced training and proven techniques at Hypnocorpe, I offer a unique perspective on leptin resistance, the crucial hormone in appetite regulation. If you are experiencing difficulty losing weight, know that it may be due to leptin resistance. But what I want you to understand above all is that obesity is not inevitable, and you don’t have to feel guilty. The causes of weight gain are complex, but I have the tools and knowledge necessary to guide you.

There are many programs on carbohydrate cycling, but I am determined to create a customized plan for you. With my experience, I am confident in my ability to help you eliminate excess fat while boosting your metabolism.

So, don’t wait any longer! Let me help you transform. With my guidance, you will not only find the resources to evolve but also the motivation to persevere. Commit to this journey with me and discover a healthier and more fulfilled version of yourself.