los angeles


Farida Sebbag’s Elite Weight Loss Hypnosis in Los Angeles

Farida Sebbag's Elite Weight Loss Hypnosis in Los Angeles: The Pinnacle of Transformational Excellence

Who is Farida Sebbag?

Farida Sebbag isn’t just a hypnotherapist; she is a globally renowned transformational specialist with an extraordinary talent for empowering individuals to realize their best selves. She holds a multitude of degrees and certifications in hypnosis and psychology, and her expertise has been honed at Harvard under the guidance of distinguished scholars like Peter Brandley.

Why is Farida Loved by All

Farida brings not just skills but unparalleled empathy and cultural sensitivity to her practice. With vast experience working with different ethnicities and a deep understanding of various cultural influences on lifestyle and eating habits, Farida has something unique to offer everyone. She has been an invited guest at prestigious events like the Cannes Film Festival and is trusted by actors, singers, and other high-profile individuals.

Why Los Angeles?

Los Angeles isn’t just a city; it’s the epitome of glamour, ambition, and endless possibilities. Farida Sebbag has chosen this vibrant locale to offer her services, tailored for those who understand that excellence is not an option but a requirement. Her elite clientele often includes celebrities preparing for events like the Grammy Awards or roles in high-profile movies.

The Unmatched Hypnosis Experience

Your session isn’t just another consultation; it’s an exclusive, life-altering experience. Farida employs cutting-edge hypnosis techniques that boast a 95% success rate, providing permanent results. Clients can choose to have this transformative journey either online or in the comfort of their homes.



Personalized Follow-Up

Your session includes a bespoke follow-up, ensuring that the transformation is enduring and tailored to your evolving needs.

Exclusive Offerings

Clients receive special discounts on complementary therapies such as state-of-the-art lymphatic drainage technology, designed not just to expedite weight loss but to sculpt and redefine your silhouette.

Limitless Potential

Beyond weight loss, the holistic approach also brings in whatever else you desire —be it success in your career or a rejuvenated appearance. With the power of your subconscious, Farida opens a new realm of possibilities.

Immediate, Lasting Transformation

The moment you step out of your session with Farida, you’ll begin to notice an immediate shift in your behavior and mindset. And that’s not just an abstract concept; you’ll see real, tangible results. Most clients report significant weight loss within the first week, achieved without the need for protein shakes, restrictive diets, or massages. Farida’s hypnotic technique rewires your subconscious mind, allowing you to naturally make healthier choices that lead to rapid weight loss.

Freedom from Supplements and Fads

There’s no need for artificial supplementation or the latest diet fad. Your mind will be your most potent tool in achieving and maintaining your ideal weight. This isn’t just about shedding pounds; it’s about reshaping your life.

This addition further underlines the unique benefits of Farida’s service and adds more weight to the value proposition. It assures clients that they’re investing in a solution that brings immediate, long-lasting results without the need for additional spending or lifestyle restrictions.



Initial Consultation

This all-encompassing wellness experience is available for $25,000, with a $10,000 reservation fee required to secure your appointment.

Payment Flexibility

The remaining balance can be settled in cash or by credit card on the day of the consultation.

Why This Investment Is Worth Every Penny

Farida’s service transcends the bounds of traditional weight loss programs. You’re not merely paying for a session; you’re investing in a lifetime of unmatched wellness, sculpted by one of the world’s fastest hypnotists and fortified by ongoing support and consultation.

Incomparable Trust

Farida’s long-standing reputation, Harvard background, and high-profile clientele stand as a testament to the legitimacy and unparalleled quality of her services. This is not a scam; this is your doorway to a life you’ve only dreamed of.

Book Your Session Now

Available slots are limited and fill quickly. For select periods, we operate on a waiting list, requiring a deposit of 10.000 dollars. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to change your life forever.


What Farida Recommends You

Farida recommends a holistic, yet highly customized approach for those who are serious about achieving remarkable and immediate weight loss results. This begins with her signature one-session-for-life advanced hypnosis treatment, a method so potent you will feel its effects the moment you awaken. In cases that require a deeper physical transformation, bariatric hypnosis can be seamlessly integrated into the treatment plan, ensuring effective weight loss without any scars or long-term complications.

Understanding the dynamic nature of Hollywood roles and personal lifestyle changes, Farida emphasizes that her treatments can be long-lasting or reversible, as per the demands of a movie project or personal preference. You are in control of your transformation, and Farida’s techniques are flexible enough to adapt to your evolving needs.

Confidentiality is another cornerstone of Farida’s practice. She maintains an attorney-convention level of privacy for all her clients, ensuring that every interaction, from the initial consultation to the follow-up meetings, remains strictly confidential.

For the ultimate convenience and effectiveness, Farida includes a personalized, direct follow-up in your treatment plan, allowing for adjustments and fine-tuning as needed. She is committed to your success and well-being long after the session has ended.

As for the setting of your transformative session, Farida provides the flexibility to choose between her state-of-the-art office in Los Angeles or the privacy of your own residence. It’s all about what makes you the most comfortable and optimizes the outcome of the treatment.

In summary, Farida recommends her one-session advanced hypnosis for immediate, tailored weight loss solutions. This treatment is enhanced by strict confidentiality agreements, personalized follow-ups, and the comfort of choosing your preferred location for the session. Take the first step towards a lasting transformation by booking your private consultation with Farida today.

TransForm you life !


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